Hey guys, welcome to my blog! I hope you like it. I think drugs are stupid, and irresponsible--I have seen what it can do to people and it is not pretty. Trust me. I am not here to tell you what I think though--I will give you the facts about drugs, and only the facts. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I will answer them to the best of my abilities and if I don't know the answer I will find out. If you have any Comments, Complaints or Suggestions pleases let me know. Thanks :)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Some pictures of what drugs can do to you

The following pictures are not...pretty. Trust me, they are gross. Do you want to do this to yourself?

<-----This is one of the nicer ones. First you get a fatty liver, then scar tissue forms, then you get Cirrhosis.

<------look what Meth did to her. There are also things called meth bugs (they are imaginary bugs but they think that a big is underneath their skin so they pic at it.)

<----This is what smoking did to the lungs (the right one is the smokers lungs, the left one is the healthy lungs)

<-----This is called Meth Mouth. Do you want that to happen to your teeth? I know I dont--Eww

So do yourself and everyone you love a favor and please don't do drugs.

Some gross ingredients used in meth

Would you walk through a store, pick up a bottle of drain cleaner and guzzle it? No way! Well that's just one of the many ingredients used to make meth. Others include:

  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Cold pills
  • Acetone
  • Red phosphorous
  • Gasoline antifreeze
  • Cleaning products
  • Battery acid
  • Anhydrous ammonia (farm fertilizer)
  • Lye
  • Engine starter fluid

Try meth just once and you've just put a number of these chemicals in your body.

The Eight Main Catigories of Drugs

1. Stimulants/uppers-
amphetamines, speed, meth, crack, cocaine
2. Depressants/downers-
Barbiturates, Quaalude, Oxycontin (percaset)
3. Narcotics-
Heroin, Morphine, Black Tar
4. Intoxicants-
5. Hallucinogens-
LSD/acid, THC, PCP (angel dust- liquid/powder) mushrooms
6. Inhalants-
Organic solvents, glue, white out, marker pens, helium, gasoline, spray paints
7. Designer Drugs-
Ecstasy, Rohyphol, GHB and more
8. Cannabis-
Marijuana, Hashish, THC

The four stages of drug abuse

The four stages of drug abuse are :
1. Experimental
2. Regular use or misuse
3. Early abuse
4. Dependency

1. Chemicals change the way you feel, it makes you feel good.
2. Part of the high is getting high with friends and feeling grown up.

Regular use or misuse-
1. You have the mistake and belief that everybody does drugs.
2. You look for occasions to get high and intoxicated.
3. You get disappointed if you cant get high.
4. Your use of drugs during the week and at school is increasing.
5. You drop your non using friends.
6. Family, school, and legal problems all start at this point.

Early Abuse-
1. You have a strong preoccupation with the chemicals and the high.
2. Your social use decreases.
3. You are starting to have emotional pain.
4. Mistrust of friends, family, teacher, etc is growing deep.
5. Delinquency and truancy are increasing.
6. There is a strong likelihood of an overdose.
7. The appearance of time when you go strait. (not taking drugs)

1. You need to take the drug just to get rid of the emotional and physical pain caused by the absence of the drug.
2. You cant face the day without the chemicals.
3. Physical deterioration like weight loss or gain, nervousness, and frequent illness are increasing.
4. Suicidal gesture, and paranoia (your belief that they are out to get you) are becoming part of everyday behavior.

Drug Facts

1. 94.8% of cocaine users began their habit with the use of marijuana and social drinking.
2. Cocaine was once thought of as a being non-addictive stimulant, but now is recognized as a substance capable of creating serious, long-term, and life-threatening dependency.
3. Over 15 million people are regular users of cocaine.
4. What is in the name of the plant that cocaine is refined from? Coca Plant.
5. Kerosene and ether are added to coca leaves to produce cocaine.
6. When a person crashes from cocaine, they enter a depression which causes loss of reflexes and fatigue.
7. What percent of cocaine is contained in street cocaine? 1/10th
8. Lactose is used to delude cocaine.
9. Freebasing is dangerous because of the volatile solvents used in the preparation and ingestion of the drug.
10. Freebasing enables the cocaine to bypass the liver.
11. Paranoia, mental disorders, and health problems are problems that can occur with heavy use of cocaine.
12. The low cost and ready availability has brought about the dramatic rise in the use of crack by teenagers.
13. It takes 8-10 seconds for crack to be distributed throughout every organ of the body.
14. The nervous system is over stimulated with the use of crack.
15. Four heart related problems that cocaine use causes are: Heart beat increases, ventricular articulation, fibrillation, heart attacks.
16.Relapse is very common in the drug user. What do some users switch to during relapse? alcohol abuse.
17. The number one drug threat in the United States is Alcohol.
18. Ethanol is the prime ingredient in all Alcoholic Beverages.
19. What percent alcohol by volume do each of the following consist of?
a) Hard Liquor : 40-45%
b) Beer and ale : 4-7%
c) Wine : 9-21%
20. Judgment is the first area affected by the use of alcohol.
21.BAC determines : alcohol amount
22. The primary sobering up mechanism in the body is the liver which can rid the body of alcohol at a rate of 1 (.o15%) drink(s) per hour
23. Out of every 25 cars on the road, 1 is driven by a drunk driver.
24. 50% of all highway fatalities are alcohol-involved.
25. 6.5 million of the 9 million Americans that are alcoholics are under the age of 18 years old.
26. Aside from affecting judgment, alcohol affects : orientation, intellectual powers, and memory.
27.What does "DT" stand for, and what is it? Delirium Tremors, a violent form caused by withdrawal from heavy alcohol usage.
28. Alcohol enters the bloodstream through the stomach and upper intestines.
29. Inflammation of the stomach is called Gastritis.
30. These three stages of alcoholic related diseases are matched with their definition :
Cirrhosis--scarring of the liver
Alcoholic Hepatitis--severe inflammation of the liver
Fatty Metamorphosis--liver becomes inflamed and tender
31.Gaining acceptance is the primary reason the adolescents abuse alcohol.
32. The term referring to Cannabis Sativa plant is Marijuana.
33. The Marijuana plant can grow to heights as great as 20 feet.
34. Dried leaves and flowering tops of the Cannabis Sativa plant are obtained to produce marijuana.
35. Marijuana has over 421 chemical components, and when smoked increases to over 2,000.
36. A marijuana high lasts 2 to 4 hours.
37. Male marijuana users produce an abundant amount of abnormally formed sperm.
38. Infants conceived by marijuana using mothers have a : reduced birth weight, and a smaller head circumference.
39. The three foreign substances that marijuana joints are dipped into to increase potency are : PCP, formaldehyde, and insecticides.
40. Pep pills, also known as amphetamines are the most widely known and most frequently abused stimulants.
41. Dilated pupils, excessive sweating, and body tremors are symptoms of the use of stimulants.
42. Three forms that depressants come in are : capsules, tablets, and liquid
43. Withdrawal from depressants is marked by delirium and convolutions.
44. Depressants are most commonly known as downers.
45. A hallucinogen user may speak of seeing sounds and hearing colors while under the influence of the drug.
46. LSD can be hidden on the backs of postage stamps.
47. Rye and wheat grain plants produce a fungus in the form of LSD.
48. Schizophrenia resembles the phsycotic behavior of a person under the influence of PCP.
49. PCP is used in the practice of medicine as agents in relieving intense pain.
50. Heroin, the most popular narcotic, is synthesised from morphine and is 10 times as potent.
51. The intensity of a narcotic withdrawal is directly related to the amount of drug usage.
52. A $125,000 fine and a 15 year prison sentence is carried with the possession of Ecstasy.
53. Designer Drugs are named because of their attempt to circumspect the law, are expensive to produce, and are very pungent to the user.
54. The primary reason inhalants are experimented with are peer pressure and the cheap high.
55. The largest group of inhalant users are adolescents.
56. Body functions are slowed down by the use of inhalants.
57. In the 1970's 700 deaths were attributed to inhalant abuse.
58. The third leading cause of death among youths is suicide.


Alcohol is classified as a depressant and intoxicant, it is like barbiturate.
1. It attacks the central nervous system, the brain, brain waves and the liver.
2. Heavy drinking damages your circulation and respiratory systems.
3. Death comes through coma.
4. The beginning alcohol age of average use is 12 years old.
5. Every 15 minutes someone dies because of alcohol in the united states.

Marijuana is classified as a depressant.
1. The THC (the mind altering chemical in marijuana) accumulates in the fatty tissue of your body like the brain and reproductive organs.
2. Today's marijuana contains 18 to 28% THC
3. One joint has more carcinogens (a cancer causing substance) than 22 cigarettes.
4. 2 joints per week per 6 months will completely saturate your brain with THC.

Uppers/speed are classified as a stimulant and is also an amphetamine that come in film or tablets.
1. Uppers increase your blood pressure, heart rate, and nervous system.
2. You will have physical exhaustion, disorientation, depression, hallucinations, and convolutions.
3. It can lead to death.

Meth/Crank is classified as a stimulant, its called Methamphetamine. It comes in a powdered form. It does everything to you that uppers do, just more intense.
1. The most preferred way to get Meth into the body is injection/shoot it up.
2. The second most preferred way is to snort it.
3. The third most preferred way is to smoke it.

Cocaine is Classified as a stimulant, it comes in powdered and crack form.
1. It is going to cause high blood pressure.
2. Psychosis and severe depression.
3. Suicidal tendencies.
4. Possession of cocaine is a felony, it will cost over $200 for a high.
5. Your mind craves it.

Quaalude is classified as a depressant, sedative, barbiturates, and tranquilizer, it comes in pills and tablets.
1. Weakens your breathing.
2. Slows your pulse.
3. Can put you to sleep behind the wheel.
4. Cam turn your skin cold and clammy.
5. Can put you into a coma.
6. Both your body and mind crave it.
7. It is extremely deadly taken with alcohol.

1. Alcohol and drugs are the #1 killer of teens in the united states.
2. Every driver has a 50% chance of having an accident in their lifetime because of alcohol.
3. The age group 16 to 24 years old make up 22% of the drivers but they cause 44% of the accidents involving alcohol.
4. Every 90 minutes a teen commits suicide in the United States because of alcohol and drugs.
5. 34% of high school students are starting to have problems with drinking.
6. 25% of high school seniors drink regularly.
7. 40% of the rapes in this country are from someone who has been drinking.
8. 38% of the suicides are from someone who has been drinking.
9. 64% of the murders are from someone who has been drinking.
10. 67% of child abuse cases are from someone who has been drinking.